Eldorado Expresso Matinal
Skill em Up se torna a principal atração da cidade!
Descrição: " We would like to thank Moon for helping us get started ! We mercy boot because we don't want your skills to decay, no need to ask in advance we understand r/l is more important than a game so park your sim here and let us sim sit for you. Have fun and enjoy the game! "
Fundado em 24-11-2024, na categoria de Habilidades, Skill em Up possui como proprietário e colegas de quarto os seguintes Sims:
BigCuban III - Long time Alphaville Player!
Met the love of my life in this game over 20 years ago and we are still married Ginger/Kit Kat/Dare
Former co owner of Insane Asylum Radio and Charmed Radio.
Got into radio when I was a huge fan
of Fueled Radio, where I became a kegger for.
We used to love to run skill homes as well such as Funny Farm Creativity in EA Land
Took over Parrothead Charisma in AV when Greenfield left TSO.
Was in AV from 2002 to close
Then EA Land and FSO from April 2017
Moonshine - Got booze?
TerriLeigh - Fav. music:
Fav. movie:
Turn ons:
Turn offs:
Sprocket - Today was good
Today was fun
Tommorrow is another one!
Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.
JasonB - Excited about the wonderful world of SimNation hope to not only reconnect with old friends but have high hopes in meeting new ones, feel free to chat with me and hope everyone has a gay day :)
TobyNuj - Square Enix has CONFIRMED there will be a Galaxy of Magic world in kingdom hearts 4! Join the celestials the guardians of light in their fight against the void who became ones with the darkness! Sora will join forces with beloved characters such as the Admin Slayer man the goat, PvP legends such as Shiekh Walden Shoeshiner and Joe Xavier Rosa Sinner and many more heroes, To fight the evil void! But beware, The Void are stronger than ever, Odin/Larissa has kidnapped Kyrie the princess of light a
Squeaky - Squeak Squeak ^^
Everybody tells me that I sound like Mousey. Probably because I am Mousey.
My best buddy is Leyland
Sprocket is the best
Leyland Silencia - ~~Leyland-Olympian Silencia~~
-!-Yorkshire, UK-!- -^-^-^- -=♦22♦=-
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originally from | ◆ | Part of the
Turtle Rock | ◆ | Silencia Family
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♥ /Sim Wifey: MysticGiggles\ ♥

The Police Station is open!
WE ARE OPEN! From now on, a police station has opened in our beloved Eldorado, where new visitors and guests are always welcome. Beware, criminals, we are coming for you!. Publicado em 16-02-2025 por Policeman Scott.
Horrid House
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2024, 8:00 PM EST. Come to Horrid House for a frightening, fun, fabulous time! We will be playing our custom board game. And enter our maze at your own risk..... Publicado em 13-10-2024 por Nicky Knack.
Raven's Nest Skilling is now open!
Hi everyone! Raven's Nest Skilling is now open! It will be open 24/7 on the next reset. But for now if you see us open drop on by. We have all of your skilling needs, great food, and great company! <3 Raven. Publicado em 09-09-2024 por RavenSalty.
Hello <3 (Come drop by our new property in the neighbourhood - Haus of ANTM!). Publicado em 29-12-2024 por Peter Stone.
64 Mysencia Way
Hey everyone :D 64 Mysencia Way, the service lot, is open for business! Visit us for all of your whiting needs :) . Publicado em 17-06-2024 por Leyland Silencia.
Festa de Inauguração!
Após muito trabalho, a Prefeitura Midnight está finalmente pronta para receber vocês, moradores de toda a cidade. Por meio deste comunicado, convido-os para a festa de inauguração, para celebrarmos juntos. Espero encontrar todos hoje às 20h30, horário de Brasília.. Publicado em 30-01-2024 por BellaMissy.

Presidente Úrsula a Ursa disponibiliza novos dados do CENSO de Eldorado!
Atualmente Eldorado possui 10487 habitantes, sendo 5402 homens e 5085 mulheres. Da população geral, 7569 são brancos, 2359 são pardos e 559 são negros.
Parece que a taxa de fantasma atual é de apenas 76 Sims (resultado da fábrica de robôs?) Já na taxa de desemprego, a mamãe Úrsula nos garantiu que apenas 9614 Sims estão desempregados! Agora dentre os Sims com sua CLT em dia, 247 trabalham na Fábrica, 394 no Restaurante e 119 no Clube Noturno (de longe o emprego menos popular, é quase um insulto pisar nessas boates insalubres!)
Agora falando de dinheiro a riqueza total da cidade é de incríveis §17114449296!
No mercado imobiliário, corretoras informam que 5245 lotes foram vendidos!
Assim temos um número excelente de 5192 Sims proprietários com um teto, 5862 colegas de quarto vivendo de favor (ou não), mas infelizmente nem tudo são flores, mamãe Úrsula não conseguiu impedir que -567 Sims estivessem complemente sem teto, abandonados a sua própria sorte...
Já com a Secretaria de Comércio, as coisas andam muito animadoras, eles informaram que foram registradas as vendas de 2152385 objetos em TODA Eldorado! (é muito imposto sendo arrecadado pra Úrsula).